Thursday, January 7, 2016

NASA - Astronomy Picture of the Day - January 07, 2016 High Energy Andromeda - A mere 2.5 million light-years away, the Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31, really is just next door as large galaxies go. In this (inset) scan, image data from NASA's Nuclear Spectrosopic Telescope Array has yielded the best high-energy X-ray view yet of our large neighboring spiral, revealing some 40 extreme sources of X-rays, X-ray binary star systems that contain a black hole or neutron star orbiting a more normal stellar companion. In fact, larger Andromeda and our own Milky Way are the most massive members of the local galaxy group. Andromeda is close enough that NuSTAR can examine its population of X-ray binaries in detail, comparing them to our own. The background image of Andromeda was taken by NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer in energetic ultraviolet light. via NASA #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace

via Stumble Space

Who would you go to another planet with?πŸš€ 😍 image : © @shainblumphotography - January 08, 2016 at 09:30AM Source: #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace

via Stumble Space

I'm sure all of us can agree that most, if not all, images taken of the universe are stunning. Some images, however, are not only stunning, they also offer us a new perspective on the universe and ourselves. One such image is the Hubble Deep Field. In 1995, astronomers performed an experiment in which they pointed the Hubble telescopes gaze at what appeared to be an empty region of the sky located in the constellation of Ursa Major for a total of ten days. With no bright stars or galaxies in the way, Hubble's sensitive instruments were able to capture light from some of the most distant objects in the cosmos over a total of 342 separate exposures. What astronomers found in Hubble's images was absolutely astonishing. What appeared to be an empty and dark region of the cosmos turned out to be filled with some of the most distant galaxies. The image was called the Hubble Deep Field. The image itself covers a region in the sky just 1/24th of a degree across, which is an extremely tiny region in the sky, yet there are over 3,000 individual galaxies in the image, some containing as many as 100 billion stars. Some of these galaxies are the oldest and farthest objects known, the earliest of which formed less than a billion years after the big bang. To date, the Hubble Deep Field is considered to be one of Hubble's most iconic images ever taken. Some of these galaxies formed long before the sun and the solar system were born. When you view this image you're looking billions of years into the past, long before there was any humans, life, and even Earth. Image credit: NASA/ESA #astronomy #astronomer #astrophysics #space #cosmos #science #physics #universe #stars #planet #astronaut #constellation #interstellar #spacetravel #outerspace #instaspace #instalike #instafollow #astrobiology #Nasa #Hubble #telescope #galaxy #stargazing #starstuff #astrophysics_ - January 08, 2016 at 08:22AM Source: #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace

via Stumble Space

Behold the most massive young galaxy cluster found in the early universe! Astronomers have used data from three of our Great Observatories to make the most detailed study yet of an extremely massive young galaxy cluster. This rare cluster, which is located 10 billion light years from Earth, weighs as much as 500 trillion suns. This object has important implications for understanding how these megastructures formed and evolved early in the universe. This cluster is so far away that the light detected is from when the universe was roughly a quarter of its current age. It is the most massive galaxy cluster detected at such an early age. Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Univ of Missouri/M.Brodwin et al; Optical: NASA/STScI; Infrared: JPL/CalTech #nasa #chandra #hubble #hst #spitzer #space #galaxy #astronomy #nasabeyond #science - January 08, 2016 at 05:35AM Source: #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace

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MCG+01-02-015 js - Just Space

Updates from just--space -January 08, 2016 at 05:10AM #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace
from Stumble Space

Elbow Falls, AB, CA js - Just Space

Updates from just--space -January 08, 2016 at 03:50AM #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace
from Stumble Space

Secrets at the heart of NGC 5793 js - Just Space

Updates from just--space -January 08, 2016 at 02:31AM #nasa #space #iss #isro #mars #marsorbiter #outerspace #lightyears #milkyway #universe #galaxy #stars #sun #moon #saturn #jupiter #stumble #stumblespace
from Stumble Space